Jon's Well And Pump Services Inc., Water Well Drilling & Service, Deltona, FL
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What Is In Our Drinking Water?

Ah – clean water to drink.   But are you sure?

What is in our drinking water is a high priority, since water is vital to our existence. Some people go to great lengths to learn what’s in municipal water. And yet, it has become increasingly difficult to get clean drinking water, even in the globe’s most developed countries.  what is in our drinking water

Researchers give us sufficient reason to believe that there are contaminants in our water – even in the bottled variety. It’s anybody’s guess, sometimes as to exactly what we are consuming!

In the U.S., we may find:

* Bacteria
* Microorganisms
* Viruses
* Natural debris
* Minerals
* Human and animal waste
* Chlorine or iodine
* Arsenic (without old lace)
* Barium and Antimony
* … and many other contaminants

In our water supply, we find things that are natural contaminants and things that are man-made contaminants. Some of these will not hurt us immediately upon drinking the water, but may eventually have a very deleterious effect on our health, or even cause death.

So Exactly What Is In Our Drinking Water?

In the United States, more than 700 organic chemicals have been identified in our water supply. Scientists suspect that some of these chemicals are carcinogenic – they may cause cancer if we are exposed to them often enough and long enough.

In our drinking water, there may be one or more of 40,000 known pesticides that cause birth defects, nerve damage, and even sterility.

More specifically, the following have been found:

* Cryptosporidium, a parasite found in lakes and rivers
* Guardia lamblia, a 1-celled parasite
* Enteric viruses from human and animal fecal matter
* Coliforms, bacteria that may cause disease
* Disinfectant by-products as a result of water treatment
* By-products of petroleum industries

What is in our drinking water? It won’t really be such a big question if you use modern filtration and purification water systems to remove it.

There has never been a more important time than now to take precautions with your health.  If you would like to speak to Jon’s Well and Pump Services about water treatment, please contact us today!

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